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The Education System

The Education System

The learning’s specific disturbances (F 81) are a further perceptive, cognitive, behavioural deficit which the use abuse of the technological tools cause as our experiment demonstrated.

The school is the institution responsible for the cognitive process, there it is possible to observe this development on healthy subjects by experience of specialized professionals. It has not surprise yet if a teacher, perhaps more curious than the usual, he was able to understand the dynamics of this process. For that to the question we could ask ourselves who educates the teachers and who makes us sure they are right, now we can give an answer and say: “the science”; that is: the theory we have just now illustrate.

It was born as a consequence of observation and experience, for long time, in the Italian Education System (children with learning difficulties and special needs are integrated into mainstream education); out of the power of the technological advanced society, because nobody asked the author to make this survey and nobody funded it. This theory is recognized as scientific by international scientific community. As a confirmation of the control information, since then years, yet, it has been frozen; the scientific knowledge, the truth hampers the mass’s exploitation and the leading class’s profit.

With regard to this, because the school can accomplish its task, it is necessary to defend it from any kind of advertising which threatens its autonomy and it trays to introduce into the ministerial programs other contents and figures who are not in agreement with rules and scientific truths at institutional level. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the passage of a laws like the 170/2010 about F81 subjects, for example.

As we said extensively before, the child needs sure references represented by well-qualified professionals; not by a whirl of figure with promotional goals who allow to waste time, to disorient the child and his family and finally to question the teacher’s authority. A further observation needs, it concerns the unification of the targets, criteria and standard of evaluation of the results gained by students from North to South Italy. What it is right to diversify is the approach of the teaching method which has to take into consideration the contextual reality of the student: flexibility it is necessary in order to get the same target and the same standard on the results.

In accordance with our theory, this is the sole possible solution, its acceptance or not depends on the number of the minds still able to get truth and to be influent on political decisions. But the current school must change in order to accomplish its mission. Up till now the school educated and educates the child following the process of only one aspect of energy: the quantum according to the logical dialect. One is convinced the knowledge comes from the thought; the study starts on the bock, as well as the monks made during the time of stagnation. One does not take into consideration, on the contrary, ignores the access to the bock is possible only if the passage from the objective to the subjective takes place on the child.

Before the technology development, this process occurred unconsciously by learning manual jobs, now this is impossible and it is lost or discouraged. The little artisan or anyone tries to open an activity like these he is compelled to leave his project; the market imposes conditions impossible to hold up.

The childish motor games are another way to acquaint knowledge. At the moment, games like play station, computer, tablet etc. replace the traditional ones (by motor experiences.) If then we come back to educational field and we rethink about school hours, we will observe the few hours foreseen and written on paper then they are wasted in language teaching. Why a lot of time must be assigned to the language if it is true the language is an innate ability? It is obviously not so, also the teaching method is unfit as well.

According to our theory, the language is not innate, on the contrary it is structured on neural pathways the motor experiences originate. This it has been highlighted in our article: “From objective to subjective in language”.25For these reasons, first of all the school must develop the child’ s motor abilities. They are crucial to learning language as well. Once more the point of view must be shifted, otherwise we can spend all time we think wrongly useful without to get the results we prefixed in advance. A further question we have to ask ourselves: “Why are always few children able to understand mathematics and natural sciences?” The answer is always the same: our children are unable to manage energy on three-dimensional axe, they are lacking in logical thinking. For the same reason they lack in intuition and creativity.

The school to accomplish its mission must change the method, to shift the point of view like our theory suggests and demonstrate.

Because the man recovers his consciousness and helps the society to recover its balance, the school must be the promoter of the change. The knowledge brings to truth and “the truth saves the reality from the destruction” 26 (Marcuse).

In addition to the current already old-fashioned methodologies, we have to take into consider the fact that the advanced technological society does not neglect and does not save by its dominion either the school.

On the contrary it considers the latter as a large and profitable market besides a tool to control the mass. The technological society’s influence is double and exercises it before on the family then on the school. In this way it determines the child’s cognitive process.

At his entry in the elementary school, the child presents himself with a fund of experiences and knowledge more and more conditioned by exposition and use of technological games which developed a learning based mainly on visual and auditive information; lacking so in consciousness and logical thinking. At the same time, the school requires a theorical and abstracted reasoning which is typical of the classic dialectic and, as we have seen, it leaves out the conscious motor experiences. But what is more shocking neither school or family give him the useful way which can help his development/growth. If the school is steady to the theory of the classic dialectic, the family is subdued by formal logic which gives rise to unidirectional neuronal pathway, without content and makes the logical thinking impossible. What emerges/appears in normal situation is the following:

  1. Difficulties in understanding scientific and mathematic disciplines, in logical thinking and /or problem solving.
  2. Scholastic drop out; the brighter minds frequently do not have an adequate support in the family, the school is unable to interest and understand.

In presence of specific learning difficulties which in the last decades they are increased in a worrying way, (see graphic below reported), the used redress is the cause of the same evil: the unidimensional society, Marcuse says, where rationality and irrationality converge.

The graphic n° 1 shows the geographic distribution of F81 students in the Italian ground. The cases are in the majority in the Centre-North. On the contrary we have the higher rate/percentage of scholastic drop out and juvenile criminality in the South of Italy.

The graphic n° 2 highlights the consistent growth of F81 students from 2010 to 2017, in addition to the persistence of the disturbance beyond the secondary school.

According to our research, made for long time in Italy – pre-high school education -, if in these subjects the motor experiences are cut in favour of lengthened exposition on front video games, computers, mass media etc., if the child is stimulated to elaborate mainly visual and auditive information, he will learn to elaborate the information along just one directional axis, as well as the magnetic and auditive waves propagate according to the laws of physics. This way to learn gives rise to straight, neural, pathways, selected (TNGS by G. M. Edelman) and memorized, they allow only movements forwards-backwards causing specific learning disturbances such as dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, dyscalculia, difficulties in logical thinking, and psychological troubles.

The Italian Education System suggests as redress the use of the technological tools like the ones which caused the deficit (see law 170/2010). By means of these, the school intends or better would intend to answer to its educative aim. Instead of look for an individualized program in order to recover the deficit, it allows the use of the computer, reckoner etc.  In short, the school takes any possibility to recover the deficit, on the contrary it makes it chronic and, in the name of the scientific progress, increases the market of the technological society and breaks one’s aim (see the law 170/2010).

These students are also allowed to attend university; here we could open a digression about the academic standards as tool of cultural control. In the meantime, instead, while a large part of the brighter minds drooped out school, the students with learning difficulties arrived to the university. Their permanency in school allowed 1) remedial teachers to work, 2) to maintain work places, 3) to increase the technology market. But which is the future for them? Which is the active contribution they can give to the society? Considered our education system they will take a degree, perhaps in law, for example, but will be they able to defend their assisted? which legal quibble will they get out for their defence if they are unable to distinguish the right from the left? We do not say in the political meaning, but only in the meaning to be able to guess the direction of the spatial image useful to manage the logical thinking and to make the rightful inferences.

They will not able to do that, this is the truth, so what? Then we will have individuals who will have doubts about their abilities with low self-esteem, easily influenced, destined to depression or to put into action unfit behaviours. But they will contribute to foster the industries for health and assistance which characterize the capitalistic economy; this will be their aid to the society. On the contrary, the higher students rate  will drop out the school and will increase the number of unemployed, others will make stronger the files of young criminals.

The described picture is quite alarming; it allows to foresee/guess a society constituted by individuals with reduced logical capabilities, low self-esteem, unemployed, with personality disturbances and incline to crime.

But the unidimensional society which is unable and do not allow the development of a suitable cognitive process, it wants instead to build intelligent machines to confirm rationality and irrationality converge/meet in the technological advanced society.

Thanks to our research, now we know how the mind works, but this knowledge is not place at disposal of the school, the mass; instead it is employed for technological development in order to increase the profit.

In virtue of the fact that society and individual share the same process on their development, the lowering of the intellective level, of the academic standards and all of what we have until now described, it does not interest only the mass but it interests also who have power. The development of the narcissism, the burnout, the exponential increase of the F81 subjects can be considered a meaningful phenomenon.

As a consequence of its structure and of the social reality, the present school cannot help the conscious development of the self. For that a change is necessary; the program, the method must be changed, vocational training, refresh courses must be hold in accordance with our research which brought a Copernican revolution on the understanding of the cognitive behavioural process and consistently, of its possible recovery. The psychology as well, which of the behaviour looks after, it needs to be seen under a new perspective.

The biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba demonstrates:

  1. The way on which the motor experience allows information of the external world to become part of the neural maps (consciousness) in order to reutilize it in accordance with our needs; it brings to consciousness and motivation/emotion of the answer.
  2. The visual and auditive information coming from the external world does not enable the logical thinking. Its elaboration along with a sole axis causes a rigid, unidimensional, and unfit reasoning/process. It alters the motivation, the empathy and the possibility to understand the other and the context.
  3. Only the motor experience brings to consciousness, logical thinking and creativity.

In short, we have demonstrated the proprioceptive motor deficit causes the cognitive, emotional, behavioural deficit. We have also demonstrated the technological advanced society pressed and it is pressing more and more the man to use visual and auditive information fostering the development of subjects deprived of consciousness, suitable ability of assessment, with intellective reduced abilities and upset emotion/motivation, easily influenced by advertising scientifically applied. Their answer/behaviour to the environment stress is unfit, dangerous, aggressive towards oneself (suicide) or towards the others, as daily facts in our schools and out show.

We wish the project of the current advanced technological society decided to bring ahead depend, besides on egoism, as well as on ignorance of the caused consequences. Now the leading class cannot any more profess ignorant in virtue of our research and therefore of the scientific progress to it correlated, we wish the leading class could have the right clearness of mind to take useful decisions because the man can get the knowledge, the consciousness of the own self and can also know the world in which he lives according to the truth. The latter conforms with ethics and ontology, according to Marcuse and us as well.

It is the comparison, the dynamism among bright minds which cause progress and wellbeing not the imposition to make minds silent because who has got power does not shake out of his torpor and incredible ignorance. Only who knows one self and the surrounding world is able to foresee the future, he does not fear the change and he will be always able to look for an answer useful to him and to society. The latter is a dynamic reality, we cannot have the presumptuousness to stop it in a stage convenient for us towards it everybody must conform with. We would be come back to antiquity characterized by the classic dialectic where instead of the metaphysics, a-priori, Good, we have put the riche man; we would not have to forget the related stagnation. On the contrary, through the conscious motor experiences, we have to sharpen our cognitive abilities in order to adapt ourselves continuously to the natural change of the reality respecting the individual and the environment.

In our view, only like this the man will be able to satisfy, how much it is possible, his primary need of realization of the self.

As the man and the environment share the same process, it is clear the link among gnoseology, ontology, ethic and politics. The gnoseological relativism, implicates the ontological relativism which, in turn, it implicates ethical and political one; good and evil, right and unfair depend on what to everyone seems to be useful. To the Stoics’ s mention above reported, we add: “Only the consciousness of ourselves bring us to know the truth and to consider useful what it is true”.

We want also to add: the unidimensional society of which  Marcuse speaks where rationality and irrationality converge it can be understood, according to our theory, as the interpretation of the mental process  in accordance with the classic logic on which it is considered a sole aspect of energy the quantum on a unidirectional path, consequential of the energy and for that rational which however becomes irrational when its three-dimensional movement is not known; as well as it happens in the advanced technological society. For these reasons, we are convinced the concept of intelligence/mental process must be revised and with it the tests for its rating in order to plan a program either its development/education or its re-education.

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