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Introduction to Thesis “Violence and consciousness in defence of the self”

Introduction to Thesis “Violence and consciousness in defence of the self”

How we will see later, the behaviour identifies with the cognitive process, it will be investigated according to the theory elaborated by Alba Bernardini. The author developed the theory as a consequence of the her testing rehabilitative method on children with perceptive, motor, cognitive deficits in the Italian school where children with learning difficulties and special needs are integrated into mainstream education. From now on, this theory will be called the Biological Theory of the Mind. The artificial intelligence and the mechanic prothesis driving by human mind are based on its principles. The results of the trial highlighted learning and behavioural disturbances depend on the lack of alignment of the energy coming from the two spaces (internal and external) on the reference system body in the unit of time.

To better understand this survey, first it is reported the synthesis of the Biological Theory of the Mind then the experiment of the method in two subjects: an autistic ASD and a F81. In both the structures which elaborate the energy/information did not show damages by neurological trauma/accident/pathology.

In the continuous correlation between the man (internal space) and the environment (external space), at the beginning the author took into consideration the cognitive psychology. The latter considers the cognitive process as the mental process that gives rise from elaboration the energy’ stimulus coming from the external space (visual and auditive information). But in virtue of her experience in the field of motor sciences, she realized the CNS elaborates the energy of the external space as the muscular energy of the internal space. This consideration brought the author to take into consideration for the first time:

  1. The muscular energy to formulate the theory of the cognitive process,
  2. The two aspects of energy: wave and quantum,
  3. A reference system and a constant in order to evaluate the ratio between the two aspects of the energy. The body is the reference system in which a quantum produces a wave, the proprioception is the constant that allows the assessment of their ratio in the unit of time.

As/because the energy of the internal space has been considered responsible for the development the cognitive process, to put in correlation the physiological process with the psychological ones it has been possible. As well as the consciousness found out the biological basis; the psychology can now become a science as G. M. Gerald wished. For that the mental process must be considered as the process which develops not only by the elaboration of the energy stimulus coming from the external space, but also by the elaboration of the energy stimulus coming from the internal space in their continuous correlation.

Besides Bernardini Alba assumed like true the theories below reported:

  1. R. llinas’ electrophysiological theory3
  2. The theory of the hemispheric differences by Sergent J4. and col. of whom Bernardini Alba gave her personal interpretation. She highlighted the difference consists in the different specialization of hemispheres to elaborate the two different frequencies of two aspects of energy (RH elaborates the wave’ low frequency, LH elaborates the quantum’ high frequency).
  3. The theory of the neural group’ selection by G. M. Edelman5.
  4. The principles of the stereophotogrammetry: the information registered at every thousandth of second on the reference system gives rise a continuum of spatial images or “staring position” each of which is caused by the previous one (afferent phase) and produce the subsequent one (efferent phase).

According to the biological theory of the mind, the information processing to pass from a starting position to the subsequent, conforms with the most elementary form of the cognitive process. It can be divided in three phases:

  • Perceptive or afferent phase (from objective to subjective or bottom up).
  • Conscious acquisition of information (passage from objective to subjective)
  • Efferent phase: reutilization of memorized information (passage from subjective to objective or answer or top dawn).


First phase; it consists:

  1. In elaborating the energy coming from the two spaces.
  2. In elaborating the two aspects of energy coming from the two spaces.


  1. The information of the external space, conveyed by visual modality, is registered on the retina’ referent system in accordance with two axes (vertical and horizontal). The vertical axis distinguishes the information in left and right visual hemi field, the horizontal axis distinguishes information in accordance with two opposite points of view (up and down).
  2. The information of the internal space, conveyed by somatosensory modality, undergoes the same registration on the reference system made up by body segments. The vertical axis distinguishes information in the right and left side of the body, the horizontal axis distinguishes information in accordance with two opposite point of view (above, below) and of application of force.
  3. On the basis of setting of the fixation point and the origin’ point of movement, the visual and somatosensory information can align in the unit of time. The visual fixation point and the origin’ point of the movement conform with the crossing point between the vertical and horizonal axes and the of the reference system which is common to two modalities.


Each hemisphere, in accordance with own competence, elaborates only one type of stimulus frequency of the contralateral side of the body and of the contralateral visual hemifield relevant to a sole point of fixation and application of force (LH elaborates high frequency quantum, RH elaborates low frequency wave). In this way the afferent phase of information ends with two neural paths. Neither is sufficient to define the three- dimensionality of information in order to lead to the answer of the subsequent starting position.

Third phase

The subsequent starting position will be defined only when, in the efferent phase, in accordance with the subject’ intentionality, the two complementary neural pathways (wave and quantum) will be again reversed in the opposite directions on the three directional axes and the information will be transcribed in a new sequence. To be reutilized in the efferent phase, the information must be memorized, abstracted and generalized in the second phase; consciousness, motivation, attention, logical thinking, creativity will be possible only if the passage from objective to subjective will take place in the second phase.

Second phase

    According to the biological theory of the mind, the synchronism and the alignment of information on the reference system (body, retina) are the crucial conditions for its memorization. This means that:

  1. The energy of the two space is elaborated as the energy of a sole space: the motor process identifies with the cognitive process, also it is the sole process the CN elaborates. The energy of the external space becomes part of the visual and somatosensory neural maps; that is: pass from objective to subjective, the information acquires consciousness.
  2. The two complementary neural pathways, which are separately elaborated in the two hemispheres, can belong to the same image while overturn/revers on the three directional axes.

The synchronism depends on:

  1. Repetition of the subjective motor experience (selection of the neural pathways).
  2. Emotional centres (biochemical mechanisms, genetic make-up). The biochemical mechanisms, on the basis of the motor experiences and emotion/motivation, sets the synapses’ speed and their synchronism (correlation between physiological and psychological process).
  3. The information out of time is not memorized, it remains unconscious; in the answer phase, it causes motor, cognitive deficits, affective, behavioural and psychological problems.

On the basis of the theory above described:

  1. The motor process identifies with the cognitive process;
  2. The cognitive process is the sole process the CNS elaborates including decoding and transcription of the genetic code.
  3. For the first time, the consciousness finds its biological basis, the physiological and psychological process can be strictly correlated, the information coming from the two spaces can be memorized and reutilized to plan the useful answer for the subject’ need in that moment and in that particular context.
  4. The psychology can turn to science like G.M. Edelman wished: “There can be no complete science, and certainly no science of the human beings until consciousness is explained in biological terms”.

The most significative experiment that confirms the theory only just described is the one below reported.

The author confronted the performance of two subjects: an autistic girl twelve old (Debora) and a F81 (DSA) child ten old (Marco). Both followed individualized programs three times a week for six months in accordance with the re-educative method which brought to formulate the biological theory of the mind.

The trial on Debora brought the author to discover the biological causes of autism2. In these subjects the information of the internal space, conveyed by muscular energy, is out of time. This is caused by an altered RNA editing of 5-HT2c receptor isoform, according to Bernardini Alba. Therefore, the autistic subjects elaborate in the unit of time only the electromagnetic and auditive information/energy of the external space.

Marco, a healthy boy, was exposed to videogames, TV, play station for long times in early age, as the parents referred. Initial tests showed common deficits to both subjects even if with different severity. If it is required, they are unable to orientate in space, are unconscious of their laterality, do not perceive the three dimensions, have difficulties in writing and reading (dyslexia), show deficits in attention and in problem solving; but Marco got an IQ very high.

After the treatment, Debora showed very interesting results regarding to the prearranged goals by individualized program. The Marco’s results were swinging: the parents, both workers, were unable to keep far away their son from technological tools above mentioned.

The experiment gave proof that:

  1. Both perceive in the unit of time only the high frequencies of the energy of the external space (electromagnetic and auditive waves),
  2. They memorize only one aspect of energy (quantum) according to only one point of view on the single horizontal axis with a displacement forward backward like the electromagnetic and auditive waves do in accordance with the laws of physics.
  3. The answer (reutilization of memorized information) is a cause-effect answer, repetitive, impossible to generalize and plan. The logical thinking is impossible, motivation, emotion and social relationship are altered.
  4. Marco’s high intellective quotient IQ, like the one of autistics at high functioning, highlights currently the variables take into consideration in the IQ test are mainly referred to evaluate the quantum of the energy of the external space along with a sole axis.

How the experiment highlights, yet, the visual and auditive information is not sufficient to develop logical thinking. Marco like Debora is unable to solve problems; the memorization of the wave’ three-dimensional movement is lacking as well as its meaning.

The experiment allows us to maintain the following:

In order that the quantum can reverse on a three-dimensional wave, the information of the external space must aligns in the unit of time on the three-dimensional system body by muscular energy; the objective must become subjective, the energy of the external space becomes a neural, inner, representation as bodily maps (biological origin of the consciousness). In this way the proprioception allows to quantify/evaluate the space coordinates (above-below, right-left, forward-backward), to map the quantum on its wave and to establish its use/meaning. The memorized wave/meaning becomes intuition to plan the subsequent answer, it anticipates and makes a new combination of quantum on wave possible (logical thinking). According to the intentionality and the quantum’ code, the answer can be motor, graphic, verbal, mathematics etc.

As the behaviour is equivalent to answer planning through the action, a perceptive deficit prevents to couple the quantum/action to its wave/use/meaning; the answer/behaviour is incoherent, atypical, pathological.

In virtue of the abstraction of the sole item elaborated by NS, we consider in this context wave=motivation/intuition/intentionality, what drives and gives meaning to our behaviour, the quantum are the actions strictly interconnected. Wave and quantum together determine the answer planning to satisfy our interest and/or need.

In accordance with the appraisal theory we also consider the motivation the key point of the emotion to come to the conclusion that any behavioural planning is caused by an emotion. For this we define the emotion: “a dynamic activity of the cognitive, behavioural process”.

Emotion (Eros) and consciousness (Logos) characterize the human intelligence and make possible to elaborate and render subjective, through the motor experience, a sequence of abstracted and generalized events (high and low frequencies of energy) common to the subject and the object (internal and external space) which follow the laws of physics.

The behaviour conforms with the answer planning and it will be as much more aware as more information of the two spaces will be elaborated in the unit of time on the reference systems. If, on the contrary, as a consequence of the “out of time”, the conscious information is reduced/cut, only the one conscious will be used in answer phase, the other will remain unconscious.

The unconscious and the incomplete, altered acquaintance of the reality will make the subject vulnerable, uncertain about his needs, interests and emotions and how Freud says, he will be easier exposed to the society’ contagion.

It is possible to conclude that the “out of time” (cognitive behavioural disturbance) can be caused by:

  1. A perceptive deficit of the internal space’ energy, in this case the cause is genetic: autism, for example.
  2. Damaged cerebral areas as a consequence of trauma or neurological insults.
  3. A perceptive deficit of the external space’ energy: visual deficits and/or as a phenomenon of the advanced technological society: F81 for example.

Moreover, as a consequence of the neural paths’ selection (TNGS by E. M. Edelman) and/or of the performance’ repetition, we have to conclude that, in absence of neural insults and/or cerebral trauma, the perceptive deficit is responsible for the alteration and activation of the cerebral area and not vice versa. For that it is useless to look for the cause of the disturbance in the anomalous cerebral area by neuroimaging.

What we have said so far, it brings us to a further consideration: as the current scientific research investigated and investigates by means of neuroimaging, it considered like genetics all deficits to which it did not found an answer by an unfit investigative technic.

From that point of view the passage of the law 107/2010 about F81 subjects, for example, in the Italian legal system can be explained but not justified because since 2008 our research was published and known. At the same way it can be explained why the Alba Bernardini’ discovery about the causes of autism is not confirmed or denied yet. The genetics has also acquainted so interest that it has been thought to intervene on the human genome in order to individualize and remove the gene responsible of the deficit. Admitted that the responsible gene can be correctly individualized, a question remains postponed: “is it possible to foresee how this artificial genetic combination will answer to the external and internal spaces?”

The investigative limit of the current scientific research has been surpassed when the research has been moved in the educative field where the mental process, free by neural insults and/or cerebral trauma but not by motor cognitive deficits, has been submitted to the teachers’ attention.

Particular attention has been paid to the correlation between cognitive and motor deficits and to the fact that the rehabilitation of the motor process rehabilitated the cognitive deficit as well. The effectiveness of the new method compelled the author to deep the research to understand why it works.

All of this has been done by Alba Bernardini in the Italian Education System where students with learning difficulties and special needs are integrated into mainstream education. It was an individual initiative, suggested by a desperate educational necessity which brought yet to results of incredible importance in the neuroscience field and further on.

That produced an earthquake in the scientific field for two motivations:

  • the discovery has been done “on field” out the academic agencies.
  • it brought the research all up for discussion again not only in the clinical field but also in the philosophic and the educative ones.

As the cognitive process, first of all, it falls under the competence of the Minister of Education, it is necessary to define the competence sphere and the meeting points between health and education (Minister of health and Minister of education) in order to create useful services to the human been and society too.

In accordance with the causes mentioned above, the neurological insults and cerebral trauma could be under clinical competence, on the contrary perceptive deficits (like point 1 and 3) should be under the educative competence.

How our experience shows, whatever the cause is, the consequent deficits is managed by the same laws formulated by our theory, so that the recovery must follow the same laws. For these reasons, the meeting points must be the diagnosis and the re-educative process. Neither must invade the sphere of the other because they have different goals; the school structures the self (cognitive process), the clinic repairs the structure following an accident. For these reasons a teacher no a doctor was able to formulate the biological theory of the mind.

On the basis of what is set out above, it is possible to conclude the answer that a subject puts into practice depends on the knowledge, it becomes unfit and/or pathological when he/she is unable to perceive his/her own self (body) and the external space on the three-dimensional axes in the unit of time; for that, the answer/knowledge is relative to his/her perceptive abilities.

According to the sophists we consider the knowledge as relative. It does not exist a principle of truth rather it rather exists a principle to prefer a thing to the other. The principle is always the one of the self-interest, of the need subjectively understood by who acts. According to Freud the man’ primary need is the self-realization which, in the comparison with the others, brings him to plan a self-defence.

When and why these behaviours are fit and when unfit, it is the object of our survey.

In order to defend his individuality and to satisfy his needs, the man must first of all be conscious of his resources, to know his own self and the environment in which lives. Making ours the famous saying “know yourself” (Socrate), and “The man is the measure of all things” (Protagora), let to see how the man is able to know own self and what surround him. Because the gnoseological relativism is connected to the ethic and politic one, it will be our care to examine at the same time the environment in which the man lives. Good and evil, fair and unfair depend on what appear to be useful to the man in the society where he lives

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