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From Emotional Intelligence to Aware Knowledge; the shift the current psyghology must do

From Emotional Intelligence to Aware Knowledge; the shift the current psyghology must do

Why do we say aware knowledge instead of emotional intelligence? We will look for un answer to this query in accordance with the biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba.

According to the theory above mentioned, the behavioural process, psychology’s issue, it is the ability to plan un useful/fit answer (phase three from subjective to objective) in order to satisfy the subject’s needs in accordance with the context in which he lives his experiences. This process conforms with the motor-cognitive process. The synchronous elaboration of the information coming from the two correlated spaces (internal and external) on the reference system body, it is the presupposition for a good working of the above-mentioned process. On the contrary, the information “out of time” is in charge of the “decisional crisis” (answer planning) which leads to help request.

Which could the psychologist’s intervention be? According to Bernardini Alba, it is necessary to intervene on the phase one of the motor-cognitive-behavioural process: from objective to subjective in order to recovery the synchronism information on the reference system body. So that the subject can recovery the consciousness of his actions/answer, the effectiveness of the relation, to keep his subjectivity in accordance with an aware knowledge.

But, what does the current psychology make? The clinical psychologist intervenes on the social relation (phase three of the process from subjective to objective) mirroring faithfully the way to go on of the classic dialectic (see the origin of the thought thesis), the neuroimaging and the traditional way to think about the mental process too. This intervention is put into practice in a privileged way by the colloquy with the patience into a prearranged setting in order to establish a social relation with him. What makes the relation possible is the emotional dynamic which compels the subject to the consultation and the psychologist to listening.

What do these two different approaches involve? The emotion is determinant on both. According to Freud, the emotion/motivation determines the energy investment and it gives rise to behavioural process. But the biological theory of the mind took a crucial step forward completing the path Freud started but he was unable to end; that is: to give biological basis to the consciousness. This was possible because Bernardini Alba was the first to take into consideration:

  • the muscular energy as type energy,
  • the two aspects of energy (wave and quantum), separately elaborated by two hemispheres,
  • the internal space body, neglect until her intervention, it becomes the reference system on which the energy/information of the two spaces aligns and synchronizes in the unit of time.

This original and crucial consideration brought the following:

  • to consider muscular energy as the basic energy for knowing.(perception of the self/body)
  • To give the biological basis to the consciousness
  • To give meaning to the movement/use of the energy.

It is the consciousness of the energy’s use which gives rise the intuition/motivation/emotion in order to plan the adaptive answer/behaviour. And exactly for this the meaning must be recovered by motor experiences in the first phase of the cognitive process.  The intelligence does not come from the emotion but it comes from the conscious use of the energy.

At present, the psychologist, starting from the patient’s telling, he trays to rearrange a new story without forget the subject psychological reality; that this: he trays to activate a change by listening. But the auditive information/energy cannot make conscious the suggested changes, for that the behavioural change will be more a consequence of training, conviction than the result of a conscious act. In practice, the psychologist uses the same principle the social psychology uses for advertising in order to change attitude toward the publicized object. Both use the emotional bound; the psychologist cultivated the latter in order to establish a relation with the patient and to make acceptable a reality interpreted in a different way on which the director/coordinator is not the patient: the intelligence does not come from emotion.

This is the psychology the current society wants because the subject is “domesticable” and easy to manipulate. About that, we have defended in thesis “Violence and Consciousness in Defence of the Self” (www.albabernardini.it) we have also demonstrated how this type of politics brings stagnation, lack of initiative, lack of creativity, unemployment and predisposition to unfit and pathological behaviour. As an antidote about, we have suggested an educational system able to structure a conscious self by a new methodological approach which takes into consideration the principles of the biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba.

To conclude the intervention of the current psychology for the patient is partial and temporary, in school it is dangerous and self-defeating: the emotional intelligence makes the subject un object, the aware knowledge makes the subject free to take adaptive decisions.

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