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Cure and Assistence Vs Inclusion and Innovation: A Copernican Revolution post COVID-19

Cure and Assistence Vs Inclusion and Innovation: A Copernican Revolution post COVID-19

Introduction: The biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba (La Motricità; dall’Oggettivo al Soggettivo nel Processo Cognitivo e Riabilitativo – self publishing- Florence 2008) must be considered the ground of this matter in addition to the new formulation of the “Psychology of the mass” by Freud which she worked out (see Staticity and Totalitarism in thesis www.albabernardini.it). Consistently it states man and society share the same process which in the first corresponds to self’s structure, cognitive process, in the society it corresponds to his structure/organization. According to the biological theory of the mind and the two basic principles of the mass’s psychology the characteristics of this process are the following:

  • A – the motivation/need (Eros according to Freud) which gives rise to the process/answer/behaviour; it could express the shared motivation of the individuals of that society.
  • B – the cognitive process/self’s structure, managed by the same laws in everybody (biological theory of the mind, passage from objective to subjective; suggestion according to Freud) so it is possible to understand each other, communicate and share ideas.


The current society, on the basis of the dialectic logical/traditional, cognitive process (see Immobility and totalitarianism in thesis), with the decisive contribution of the technologies, upheld by a myope politics it only answered to needs of the leading class. As a consequence, on the one hand, it gave rise to a deficient cognitive process with unfit behaviours on the man (lack of motivation, lack on making decisions, violent behaviours), on the other hand, it caused changes in the environment which yielded the current pandemic Covid-19.

In accordance with the basic principles above named (A, B) we consider the pandemic Covid-19 as the result of this society, also the variables 1-7 taken into account, the main crucial points of its actions as the following:

  1. profit’s collapse, financial crash.
  2. man cut strongly down on number, on his intellective abilities with unfit, pathological behaviours.
  3. migratory flows.
  4. multi-ethnic societies.
  5. different distribution of the wealth.
  6. overproduction and unemployment.
  7. devastation of the clime’s biological and physic balance.

The variables taken into account highlight the collapse of the leading class’s main goal in addition to deep and large differences which portray the current society. Consistently to the characteristics of the cognitive process above illustrated, the leading class had the possibility to transfer on the individual/mass the main goal of itself: the profit (as answer to fear of overwhelming) in place of the individual’s needs.

If, according to the biological theory of the mind By A. Bernardini, we take into consideration the three phases of the cognitive process, it will come out the following:

  • the profit/answer (phase three, top-down) is put/set in phase one of the individual cognitive process.
  • the structure of the self (phase 1 e 2, button-up), the consciousness of the information is not properly considered; the individual is therefore unable to have his motivation, the one he follows it is not his own, also it is the sole one (immobility, totalitarianism and unfit behaviours).

This brings with it the human right’s denial; the subject has been deprived of self’s consciousness, opinion’s and assessment/prevision’s freedom (cut-down of logical and creative abilities).

What we have illustrated is a practical demonstration about the consequences that traditional cognitive process causes. On the latter the starting point is predetermined and unidimensional (see origin of the thought). At the same way the scientific research is predetermined, it starts its survey and formulates its hypothesis starting from neuroimaging, for example (see hikikomory and Covid-19).

To summarise three main factors, in addition to a myope politics, caused the current global crisis:

  1. the unidimensional cognitive process (logical dialectic)
  2. the thoughtless use of the technologies.
  3. the globalization

A substantial change is necessary on both structures (man and society) in order to get out of the current crisis and to start again. This is possible by means of a Copernican Revolution of the common evolutive/cognitive process on which the starting point is reversed. According to the biological theory of the mind the cognitive process starts with acquiring information in the intra and extra personal space (phase 1, 2). Because the sole energy which allows the spatial/three-dimensional structure of the neuronal paths and the memorization of information is the muscular one (the body as the reference system), the leading class must know the absolute priority must be given to the basic school. The education and/or re-education of the human potential must be pursued through a new methodology which, first of all, educates a skilful management of the muscular energy in order to lay the basis for the self’s structure/consciousness and to reduce the differences the current society contributed to increase.

to tourn about the course it is necessary:

  • to give consciousness to man (on cultural, religious, economic, racial, of gender, of disabilities diversities).
  • to develop a sustainable economics to protect the world’s clime.
  • to put the technology under control of the man and not vice versa.

We must look at education and/or re-education for everybody as the main goal (education’s quality).

Let’s take into consideration the Italian Education System, as expression of the current society. For a long time, it faced this challenge believing to resolve it “including” students with difficulties in learning abilities into mainstream education. But its practical realization, based on dialectic logical and on the use of technologies in place of the conscious learning, consistently, gave rise to a striking deterioration of the whole Italian Education System which expressed into scholastic drop out, reduction in goals, drop in competences, accentuation of the differences between Nord and Sud in addition to unfit and violent behaviours (we must remember the latter).

The mistake is always the same and we are able to individualize analysing the meaning of inclusion’s word. Literally it means to include un element into a whole. This word is used in different ambits on which it assumes different shades. For example, on the metal’s fusion the inclusion of metal oxide/differences weakens the steel casting (whole). It is useful to refer to this meaning as a metaphor to better understand:

  1. the inclusion of someone different in social-educative context.
  2. the necessity to recover the different person “metal oxide” because the society can reduce the differences and grow stronger.

The literal meaning “inclusion” referred to individual is restrictive because it presumes passivity as the metal oxide and does not foresee participation to the steel casting. At the same way it does not imply a re-education of the subject/different person. In accordance with the outdated academic research, the different person is unrecoverable because it does not take into consideration the phases 1 and 2 of the cognitive process. Just in these terms the inclusion of the different person has been understood in the Italian Education System (law 170/2010) for these reasons it was and is unsuccessful.

The positive aspect of this huge mistake has been the one to stimulate the research made by a teacher (Alba Bernardini), no by a clinical doctor, in order to understand its causes and to formulate the biological theory of the mind by Alba Bernardini. On the light of this research for INCLUSION must be understood the dynamic educative process which causes self’s consciousness in order to be able to give answer to a global politic-social-economic context in continue and fast evolution.


The intervention of an enlightened politics is therefore necessary because the need-motivated research of the teacher can be put in practice at advantage of everybody/basic school not only of the leading class/management. The latter would utilise it to enhance once again the differences as well as it is doing at present. If it is not in this way it could not give an explanation to the fact that after 12 twelve years from its formulation it is not applied yet. Its experimentation on a greater scale is prevented, so that it cannot be utilized for helping a devastated and unstructured school which is unable to help students in difficulties, it restrains and hampers the normal ones. Statistical data confirm the low level of preparation and the low percentage of graduates in the Italian country.

In the same way in the “scientific” world, on the one hand, the artificial intelligence gets excellent results, on the other hand updated theories, like mirror neurons by (G. Rizzolatti and Col.) are followed. It pretends we are unaware about the causes of Autism, the recovery of the language as cognitive ability; and not least the psychology is prevented to become a science. It seems one of the main resources of the current society must be unhealthy individual, in need of care and assistance instead of individual promoter of development and innovation. Once again that confirms how the current, narcissistic society uses the subject like un object.

The Copernican Revolution means: first to invest on human power of everybody starting from phase 1 ,2 of the cognitive process (always ignored), second to get consciousness, health and wellbeing as answer, thirdly to give again to individual his dignity as unique and unrepeatable, creative and innovative in harmony with himself and the environment in which he lives and produce job. To invest in education (as above discussed) produces wellbeing, development, job and profits, on the contrary to invest in profit produces inequalities, conflicts, immobility, unemployment and pandemic.

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