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The Gambling

The politic power of the technology about behavioural troubles shows in an evident way through the gambling as well: slot machines, and video poker in particular. These technological machines are the interface which turns the three-dimensional mental process in the unidimensional one and consistently the

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The Bullying

The BULLYING is a reaction of assault/aggression, for example; it is a phenomenon which mainly reveals oneself in adolescence.  We will try to explain it in a scientific way in accordance with the biological theory of the mind by A. Bernardini. Let’s take, hence, into

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The Origine of the Thought

Let’s take now into consideration how the philosophy considered the cognitive process in the course of the history. Because it is useful to our aim, we are going to analyze the Herbert Marcuse’s thought12. As Marcuse says, a reality and a thought exit. The thought

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