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– F81 subjects – according to the Biological Theory of the Mind by Alba Bernardini

My continuous research induced me to participate at XVI National Conference in Prato -Tuscany- Italy 12-6-2024. The conference focused on neural development and education, in particular: SOS Dyslexia or F81 subjects. Sadly, I realized no change has been made on the traditional guidelines. However the…

Consideration about my book’s presentation: “The School of the Absurd: Psychology and Power

I had need more time after the book’s presentation, in – Psychology’s House – Udine – Italy (09/27/2024), in order to understand and refer with objectivity. On September 15, 2024, by my blog (article about AI sperimentation in Italian school), I invited you to attend…

Abstract of my book: “La Scuola dell’Assurdo: psicologia e potere”

The author, pushed by a dramatic, educational need, elaborates a new re-educative method based on motor experiences. First to take into consideration the quantum and wave physic in order to formulate the Biological Theory of the Mind, she discovers the biological basis of the consciousness,…

Psychological Profession’s General Status – 21-22 June 2023 -Rome

The Psychology is preparing for facing needs of the current society in more effective way. After the meting in Florence: towards an idea of integrated health “biological, psychological and social systems”, it has been organized a further meeting in Rome: “the general status of the…

Biological, Psychological and Social Systems – Towards an Idea of Integrated Health

With very great interest I attended at the meeting organized by OPT, CNOP and SIPNEL in Florence. I was very curious to know how the biological, psychological and social systems would be correlated each other in order to give an answer to mental heath of…

A New Marker for Autism early Dianosis: The Fixation Point’s Divergence of the two Nasal Hemiretina

Abstract: in virtue of the Biological Theory of the Mind, it has been possible to single out the biological causes of Autism and then a new marker for its early diagnosis. The theory above mentioned maintains the motor process, the cognitive process and the DNA’s make-up are a sole process. The muscle-skeletal apparatus is the Reference System on which the information of the two spaces (internal and exteral) aligns in the unit of time in order to allow the passage from objective to subjective, to give them meaning and consciousness and then to use them again in the efferent phase/answer as a consequence of the motivation. The theory was elaborated by me later on a new rieducative method, mainly based on motor experiences and successfully experimented on children with learning difficulties in the italian education system. The new perspective is illustred in this article, presented by me in the International Forum in Mental Health and Women’s well being in New Work 10-11 Avril 2023. The article demontrates how the lack of synchronism of the information of the two spaces cause the deficit; in turn, how the deficit is caused by a wrong transcription of the DNA’s make-up.

Cure and Assistence Vs Inclusion and Innovation: A Copernican Revolution post COVID-19

Introduction: The biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba (La Motricità; dall’Oggettivo al Soggettivo nel Processo Cognitivo e Riabilitativo – self publishing- Florence 2008) must be considered the ground of this matter in addition to the new formulation of the “Psychology of the mass”…

Rehabilitation and Consciousness; School and Democrazy: as a Mathematical Equation

Aim: the aim of this paper is the one to highlight how the rehabilitative process is impossible without consciousness (the passage from objective to subjective), also how the consciousness can be only fed into a democratic society. It moreover wants to answer to the question…

HIKIKOMORI and COVID19: as Products of the Current Advanced Technological Society

The aim: the cognitive sciences have had to assimilate the human mind functioning’s to the computer software’s one. The theory and/or theories which developed about that, they influenced the approach to mental processes in decisive and overbearing way. According to the biological theory of the…

From Emotional Intelligence to Aware Knowledge; the shift the current psyghology must do

Why do we say aware knowledge instead of emotional intelligence? We will look for un answer to this query in accordance with the biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba. According to the theory above mentioned, the behavioural process, psychology’s issue, it is the…

From objective to subjective in language

Introduction: The aim of this research was to verify the hypothesis that dyslexia and disturbances in language learning depend on perceptive deficits according to the new Theory of the Cognitive Process by A. Bernardini. For these reasons it is necessary to summarize it below in…

F81 – Why the Law 170/2010 is Uncostitutional (Italian Legal System) – Ignorance or Criminal Thought?

Abstract: the law 170/2010 about F81 subjects has not scientific basis, it does not consider the deficit retrievable but it forces the use of the technological tools as compensation of the deficit. The research developed in the educational field (the biological theory of the mind…

The Education System

The learning’s specific disturbances (F 81) are a further perceptive, cognitive, behavioural deficit which the use abuse of the technological tools cause as our experiment demonstrated. The school is the institution responsible for the cognitive process, there it is possible to observe this development on…

The Burnout

The lack of consciousness (the impossibility of the passage from objective to subjective), “the out time” to which the technological advanced society gives rise, it causes the burnout as well. It is become a phenomenon of global meaning and its growth is linked to development…

The Gambling

The politic power of the technology about behavioural troubles shows in an evident way through the gambling as well: slot machines, and video poker in particular. These technological machines are the interface which turns the three-dimensional mental process in the unidimensional one and consistently the…

The Bullying

The BULLYING is a reaction of assault/aggression, for example; it is a phenomenon which mainly reveals oneself in adolescence.  We will try to explain it in a scientific way in accordance with the biological theory of the mind by A. Bernardini. Let’s take, hence, into…

Staticity and Totalitarism (What world’s leaders must know)

The profit replaces the need. Let’s to start from the meaning of these two words: need and profit in order to realize: first, as far as leading class and mass are distant between them about needs, second how much is difficult to reconcile and manage…

The Social Influece and the Development of the Technology

The way to process the stimulus of energy coming from the two spaces, like the biological theory of the mind asserts it allows everyone to use the same reference system and the same constant. This makes us able, on the one hand, to agree with…

The Origine of the Thought

Let’s take now into consideration how the philosophy considered the cognitive process in the course of the history. Because it is useful to our aim, we are going to analyze the Herbert Marcuse’s thought12. As Marcuse says, a reality and a thought exit. The thought…

The structure of the self (how the behaviour organizes)

According to Freud the motivation/emotion gives rise to behaviour, and determines the investment of energy. He distinguishes the behaviour in affect (for us wave) and in affect’ representation (for us correlated sequence of facts). In the subject who undergone a psychic trauma, the affect and…

Introduction to Thesis “Violence and consciousness in defence of the self”

How we will see later, the behaviour identifies with the cognitive process, it will be investigated according to the theory elaborated by Alba Bernardini. The author developed the theory as a consequence of the her testing rehabilitative method on children with perceptive, motor, cognitive deficits…

“Autism: a new perspective” articolo pubblicato

A seguito della partecipazione di Alba Bernardini a Riva del Garda il 26-28 maggio in occasione dello 11° Congresso di EFRR nel 2011, è stato pubblicato l’articolo “Autism: a new perspective” da Minerva Medica nei Proceedings of the 11th Congress of EFRR 26-28 May 2011 –...

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