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Abstract of my book: “La Scuola dell’Assurdo: psicologia e potere”

Abstract of my book: “La Scuola dell’Assurdo: psicologia e potere”

The author, pushed by a dramatic, educational need, elaborates a new re-educative method based on motor experiences. First to take into consideration the quantum and wave physic in order to formulate the Biological Theory of the Mind, she discovers the biological basis of the consciousness, the emotion’s origin, therefore, the correlation between cognitive and psychological process. She identifies three phases in the cognitive process with the pertinent, corresponding psychological ones: 1) perceptive/emotion, 2) passage from objective to subjective/empathy, 3) answer/suggestion. On the ground of that, she illustrates the self’s structure, the thought’s origin, the society’s origin. As regard to the latter, the author accepts the Freud’s hint about the psychology of the mass but she rephrases and accomplishes it. Scientifically, she demonstrates the sharing of the same process between individual and society; it originates by perception of the self and the context/emotion (consciousness). On this process the school acquires a crucial role.

On the contrary, the current capitalistic society, technologically advanced, denies the consciousness like the supporting theory/Cognitivism; it assimilates the human mind to the computer’s software and considers the cognitive process as a function which origins the answer/suggestion. In this way the subjective emotion/need (consciousness) is neglected, the process starts from the establishment’s need: the profit.

The author’s research has been blocked/frozen, its principles applied only to the technology and to robotic rehabilitation.

The consequent brainwashing, in addition to the use/abuse of the technological tools, has reduced and reduces again the cognitive abilities, changes the sensitivity, causes inappropriate and/or violent behaviours. Also it proves the science’s politicization.

In order to give an answer both to the current social and individual crisis, the author wishes for a Copernican revolution: from the profit to the need; from the Cognitivism to the Biological Theory of the Mind. As an example, the author takes the Italian Education System which, under the Cognitivism’s influence in addition to a short-sighted politics, has been destroyed on the structure and on the product such that being the cause of her research. The Cognitivism/capitalism does not allow the psychology to become science, the educational sciences to lead students to consciousness.

A school of quality, in accordance with the Biological Theory of the Mind and the W. Ropke’s third way, is the requirement for a fairer, more healthy, and sustainable society.

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