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Rehabilitation and Consciousness; School and Democrazy: as a Mathematical Equation

Rehabilitation and Consciousness; School and Democrazy: as a Mathematical Equation

Aim: the aim of this paper is the one to highlight how the rehabilitative process is impossible without consciousness (the passage from objective to subjective), also how the consciousness can be only fed into a democratic society.

It moreover wants to answer to the question we could ask:”How canthe engineering succeed in robotic rehabilitation on the basis of the cognitive sciences which deny consciousness?”

The artificial intelligence was worked out on the basis of the mental constructs inferred by observation of the human behaviour bypassing the consciousness (see in this blog: “hikikomory and covid-19..”). The information taken into consideration for its theorization was the one coming from the external space (visual and auditive).

In order to formulate the biological theory of the mind, Bernardini Alba first took into consideration the energy’s information of the internal space (muscular energy) and its two aspects (wave and Quantum). Just that allowed:

  1. to give the biological basis to consciousness,
  2. to maintain th NS elaborates a sole process which identifies with the motor process.
  3. to put into correlation the physiological process with the psychological ones.
  4. to evaluate the three-dimensional movement of energy.

Thanks to a teacher of physical education, this innovative and sensational discovery happened in the italian school out of  the academic field in a critical time on which the robotic was looking for solutions. This caused a strong reaction in the international scientific community which caused:

  • disownment of the discovery’s paternity.
  • freezing of author’s publications
  • theory’s reformulationas we are going to see further on.

For do not clash with the cognitive sciences on which the articial intelligence is based, a reformulation of the mew theory was necessary: yes to muscular energy, to its two aspects, to its three-dimensional movement which uselessly it iquired into energy of the external space and yes to all that deals with the physics of the movement on the reference system body, but the movement generated by musclar energy was considered automatic in order to deny the sole process elaborated by NS and the consciousness too.

Where does this reformulation lead? On the one hand it leads to a great development of the robotic and artificial intelligence in general and to the power of the pharmacology in psychiatry and psychology; on the other hand to denial of the recovery of the cognitive abilities by motor experiences. But what misinterprets this artificial reformulation is the robotic rehabilitation. Actually it is not possible to transfer information from the human mind to a mechanic prothesis if it not admit the passage from objective to subjective and vice versa (consciousness): that is: the biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba (see:”The cognitive and rehabilitative process through motor experience, from objective to subjective on a single case-study”: International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism Vol. 11, N°2, pp 91-96 2009). For the same reason it is not possible to re-educate the motor-cognitive behavioural processin school, in neurorehabilitation and in psychology if this crucial passage is laking or it is not taken into consideration. But the school, the educational institution in which the re-educative method was experimentedand lead to the theorization of the biological theory of the mind, how does it get out?

Instead of to be engaged in a greater scale of sperimentation about the re-educative method, the school was compelled to suffer the law 170/2010 who regulates learning’s specific disturbances (F81) on the basis of the cognitive sciences. This means to make chronic and worse the deficit instead of recovery it (see this blog: law 170/2010), also it means to prevent one of the most important human rights: the education’s right.

In CONCLUSION, if we observe the effects of what we have so far argued, we can say the current society (see Thesis: “Violence and consousnesson defence o the self”) is in the hands of the powerful figures who do not activate for satisfy individual needs/rights but for get advantage by themslves. They also commit themselves completely to eliminate all of what develops individual’s consciousness.

In this reality, what really worries is the silence of scientits and researchers who seem do not be worried about the spreading of false truths. It is difficult to accept the impossibility to rely on science. This however means the knowledge by itself is not sufficient, it is also necessary the consciousness/courage our scientists seem to have lose or perhaps they have never had; or worse still they deny it to feel free from any responsability.

At this point we can give a psychological explanation which we atttribute to the realization of the self. The scientists need funding their research in order to put into practice their projects. For these reasons they put themselves into the hands of who can found them; the result’s curiosity is a hard motivation who leads to form an alliance, few times ethic, between scientist and sponsor. Even if we put that in these terms what really matters is the education for realization of the self; for that the school is the most useful weapon to grasp.

We can finally assert the democracy of a country can be evaluated by the care it dedicates to basic education of all its citizens.

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