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F81 – Why the Law 170/2010 is Uncostitutional (Italian Legal System) – Ignorance or Criminal Thought?

F81 – Why the Law 170/2010 is Uncostitutional (Italian Legal System) – Ignorance or Criminal Thought?

Abstract: the law 170/2010 about F81 subjects has not scientific basis, it does not consider the deficit retrievable but it forces the use of the technological tools as compensation of the deficit.
The research developed in the educational field (the biological theory of the mind by Bernardini Alba), it demonstrates instead the disturbance’s etiology, its possible recovery and the serious consequences of the application set of rules the law 170/2010 involves. The theory asserts scientifically the prolonged exposition to technological tools in early age (child and adolescents) is the cause of the same disturbance, it gives rise also difficulties in logical thinking. Because it demonstrates also the biological basis of the consciousness and it puts in correlation physiological process with the psychological ones, the disturbance corresponds at behavioural level too.
Early neuropsychological studies (Moffit and col. 2009) put in correlation cognitive deficits (language deficit included) with aggressive and/or criminal behaviours. It could be very tragic and at the same time comic if, according to the law, it would allow the aggressivity development as a consequence of the wrong and irresponsible use of the technology and ten it would ask ourselves why; first, of the exponential growth of the F81 subjects, second, school drops out, third, aggressive and/or criminal behaviour of our children and finally the insufficient development of their logical thinking.
To conclude, the law 170/2010 must be reviewed and rethought because it prevents school from facing its role: to develop child’ s potentiality allowing him the right of study the most important of the human rights.
Key words:
1. Muscular energy (its two aspects: wave, quantum).
2. Consciousness: passage from objective to subjective.
3. Correlation between physiological and psychological process.

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