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The Gambling

The Gambling

The politic power of the technology about behavioural troubles shows in an evident way through the gambling as well: slot machines, and video poker in particular. These technological machines are the interface which turns the three-dimensional mental process in the unidimensional one and consistently the player’s behaviour in the pathological behaviour. They have been planned in order to profit from the mass, from people with socio-economic difficulties of which the current society is responsible.
Hoping to win, they give up the little they have finding to the end more in despair than before. All of this thanks to the algorithms computation which do not allow an easy winning and to the application of traditional psychological principles. The “working conditioning”, for example, associated with a reward (probable winning) can change the subject’s behaviour. The player, justified by need, conditioning by reward, he spends more and more time and money in front of these machines until his mental process becomes unidimensional. The subject becomes unable to control his behaviour which, by now, follows the same laws of the physics which manage the visual and auditive information.
The answer will be repetitive, cause-effect it will be impossible to control. The miserable condition to which the player is reduced it will give rise to series of psychological and criminal events. In this way the current society will increase the service economy towards which it set out for; the profit finances itself through the mass’s exploitation.

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