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The Social Influece and the Development of the Technology

The Social Influece and the Development of the Technology

The way to process the stimulus of energy coming from the two spaces, like the biological theory of the mind asserts it allows everyone to use the same reference system and the same constant. This makes us able, on the one hand, to agree with the interpretation of the physical and natural phenomena, on the other hand, to interact and to understand each other16. We believe this sharing to be the crucial point that allows the man to build a society in order to dominate the natural forces and satisfy own needs. The same sharing, according to us, it gives un answer and constitutes, in a scientific way, the psychoanalytic ground of the mass’s psychology by Freud.

Freud17 gave a methodological, innovative and important hint, that is: “it does not exist a gregarious or social drive independent from the drives which operate in the individual psychology; on the contrary he maintains the social manifestations must be investigated making use of the same acquisitions of the individual psychology”. In virtue of the biological theory of the mind it is now possible to give a theorical and scientific support to Freud’s hint. From this innovative point of view, we are going to face the way in which the society affects the self’s structure, in particular about social trouble which, more and more, comes out by unfit, depressive, aggressive and violent behaviors especially in young people.

Freud asserts18 “the patient’s illness is a reaction of protest against the sick world in which he lives”.

Investigating the social manifestations by the same process of the individual behavior, we can say that in the individual the process conforms with the self’s structure, the cognitive abilities, his cultural property/education. In the social manifestations it determines the history of that society and becomes collective cultural property.

The rapid development of the sciences brought the man to a power more and more strong on the environment and on the technical development to satisfy his needs. The technic is become the power of society, the technology the power of the politics.

In the course of history, the man has always acquired more consciousness of the self, in particular as a consequence of military events in which the people, the mass become important, decisive either for defense of the individual rights or social rights. But the mass, by a contract, gave decisional power to the leading class. Because the rights/needs of everyone are respected, satisfied who had the task must be able to manage the power with great balance, knowledge and consciousness. Knowledge and consciousness mean; first, to guess a path, on the basis of acquired knowledge, of current situation, of needs of who gave you task; second to plan a program because the needs are satisfied at the current time and in a future perspective. What is this if not a cognitive process in the social field? But what does happen when the leading class has not consciousness and the two neuronal pathways are not synchronous in her cognitive process?  The leading class is unable or have not intention to accomplish the task in accordance with truth and ethics like Marcuse proposes, we propose and should be proposed. Because it is at fault and a minority, it puts itself in defense using as power tool the truth’s manipulation whose purpose is the profit.

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