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Consideration about my book’s presentation: “The School of the Absurd: Psychology and Power

Consideration about my book’s presentation: “The School of the Absurd: Psychology and Power

I had need more time after the book’s presentation, in – Psychology’s House – Udine – Italy (09/27/2024), in order to understand and refer with objectivity.

On September 15, 2024, by my blog (article about AI sperimentation in Italian school), I invited you to attend at the book’s presentation (both on presence and online). In this occasion we would have discussed about this issue as well. Attaching the pertinent poster, I made the same invitation on september 18, 2024 .

So, the online registration was without sound. After a natural fit of anger, I looked around to understand, because I did not believe in a technical mistake. I looked for and listened to Federico Faggin’s speech (candidate to Nobel Prize for physics) He made in Rovereto two days after on September 29, at Wired Next Fest Trentino (Italy) 2024.

Precisely in Rovereto 2009, my first book:”La motricità, dall’oggettivo al soggettivo nel processo cognitivo e riabilitativo” (2008) “disappeared”. In this book I formulated the Biological Theory of the Mind which underpins my second book:” La Scuola dell’Assurdo: Psicologia e Potere”(2023).

I was surprised, but not so much, Faggin discussed about consciousness, according to his theory. My curiosity increased and I looked for further Faggin’s speeches. All the evidences made it clear that, in Rovereto, Faggin not only referred crucial passages of my book:” the School of the absurd: psychology and power” but He illustrated the same my statements; that is: the quantum physics justifies the consciousness. But, it is possible to explain this by scientific demonstrations, only taking into account the Biological Theory of the Mind, formulated by me until 2008. In this way, the current research opens to a new perspective until now unknown. On the contrary, Faggin makes use of assumptions and postulates in order to get the same statements of my Biological Theory of the Mind.

I came to this conclusion; that is: the online registration about my book was without sound because it would have made clear scientific, thorny issue and debated “news” that only a candidate to Nobel Price could publish in his own way.

Is it to much according to you? To verify, it is sufficient to read my books: “The motion: from objective to subjective in the cognitive and rehabilitation process” (2008)- registered among the protected books -and “The school of the absurd: Psychology and Power” (2023).

In addition, I want to highlight international meetings discussing consciousness’s issue and the position of the current international research about:

June 27-29 2024 Siena Italy – ICCS First International Conference: “Uncovering the Magic of Consciousness: Phylosophy, Neuroscience, AI”; at the moment, it is not possible to give an explanation about consciousness.

July 22-26 Itaca NY, Cornell University: XVIII WCCES, book’s presentation: “The school of the absurd: Psychology and Power” by Alba Bernardini. She, in virtue of the Biological Theory of the Mind, justifies the consciousness by Biology, for that, the AI can not substitute the human being.

September 27, 2024 Udine (Italy) -Psychology’s House, the book’s presentation: “The school of the Absurd: Phycology and Power”. In Udine Italy, Alba Bernardini confirmed what she said in Itaca NY XVIII WCCES 2024.

September 29, 2024- Next Fest Trentino 2024; by postulates and assumptions, Federico Faggin explained the consciousness by his own way.

Did you remember what I wrote after my presentation in Itaca NY? Let’s to see what will happen in Udine Italy. We really saw it: in Itaca NY it found a way of having no one to listen, in Udine Italy the online registration was without audio in order to allow, two days after, a candidate to Nobel Prize for Physics to combine technology, consciousness and religion by postulates and assumptions (scientifically impossible). Spirit and consciousness are not the same thing; the science can justify only the consciousness.

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